Author Guidelines

LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA

1. The article written in LENSA is the outcome of thinking and research in field of science departmen. The manuscrip is typed by Verdana,10 pts in size, space at least 12 pts, printed in A4 maximum 10 pages and collected by print out in 1 exemplar. The file is created by microsoft word. File can be sent by attachment e-mail to
2. The name of author is typed without academical title and placed under the article title. If the writer consists of four or more, so the first author is typed under the title while typed in footnote on first page for others. The editor is only communicate with first author. So attaching an email is recomended to make communication easily.
3. The title of article in LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA must be writen specifically and effectivecally measured by writing assignment. Ideally no more than 14 words in Indonesia language or 90 taps on keyboard so it can be comprehended in singel read.
4. The article is typed in Indonesian or English by esai format, followed by title in each portion but preface exceptly. The title of article is typed by auto capitalization in middle and 12 point. The section title rating is expressed by different font types (all section headings and sub-sections are bold or bold and italic), and doesn't use letter or number on title section.
B. Rating 2 (Auto Capitalization, Bold, Align Text Left)
C. Rating 3 (auto capitalization, bold-italic, align text left)
5. The article systematic of thinking outcome are: title, name of writer (without academical title), abstract (maximum 200 words), key word, preface (without title) consists of background and objective or scope, primary discussion (can be devided into some sub chapter),closing or summary, bibliography
6. The article systematic of research outcome are: title, name of writer (without academical title), abstract (maximum 200 words) consists of objective, method ,and result of research, key word, preface (without title) consists of bakcgound, some of review of literarure, and research objective, method, result, discussion, summary and suggestion, biblioghraphy.
7. The accuracy of writing presentation, by having good systematics and sub topic accordance with the type of articles and systems that is adopted by discipline is a feature of the publication of LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA that does not contain similar type with thesis in sub topic writing, by including the theoretical framework, problem statement, the use of research, literature review, follow-up suggestions, and etc.
8. Every article in publication must be included by a pharagraph of abstract (different from some pharagraph of summaries) in Indonesian or English describing the essence of article clearly and complitelly.
9. Process of typing should use supporting data (illustration, image, photo, table, and graph) to support the explanation of article.
10. Referral sources are must meet a minimum 25 references with a composition at least 80% of the latest journals (last 10 years). Preferred referrals are primary sources of research reports (including thesis, thesis, dissertation) or research articles in journals and/or scientific magazines.
11. References are arranged by APA system, year typed in front or behind, biblioghrapgy must be done consistently.
12. Article that is publicated in journal LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA has been checked plagiarism by LENSA (Lentera Sains): Jurnal Pendidikan IPA. The plagiarism is less than 25%.
13. Editing processes are done by the editorial board along with Reviewer by involving the author. Articles may be unloaded by the editorial board if known to be problematic. Anything involving license of quotations or the use of computer software for the making of HAKI-related manuscripts or other articles related to intellectual property, including the legal consequences which may arise thereof, shall be the sole responsibility of the author of the article.
a. That article is original author essay.
b. That article is not plagiarism.
c. That the article has never been published in another journal.